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武汉 2024年06月26日 09:31 271 绣虎








Wuhan Textile University (WTU) is one of the comprehensive institutions of higher learning incorporating science, engineering, liberal arts, economics, management and education, with special emphasis on engineering.

With the aim of cultivating textile specialists and serving Hubei's textile industry, Wuhan Textile University(WTU)was founded in 1958 in central China, Hubei's capital Wuhan, which is known as“the thoroughfare leading to nine provinces”with many universities and talents. Covering an campus area of 160 hectares, 2 of our 3 campuses are right beside the East Lake and the South Lake, one of the most beautiful scenic attractions in the city.

Formally named Wuhan Institute of Textile Engineering WIST, it was one of the eight colleges directly under the administration of the former Ministry of Textile Industry. In 1998 when its administration was transferred to Hubei Province, it was renamed as Wuhan University of Science and Engineering (WUSE) in 1999. WTU is now under the co-building of the Province and the Ministry of Education. It is the only college in Central and Southwest China that features studies in textile and apparel. In 2010, it was renamed as Wuhan Textile University (WTU) by Ministry of Education.

WTU is composed of 19 colleges and 2 teaching departments, offering 42 bachelor’s programs and 24 master’s programs to over 30,000 students, taught by over 1000 staff, among those more than 400 are professors or associate professors. For 10 consecutive years, WTU ranks at the top of the list of specialty ranking as well as in the list of comprehensive scores for “New Star Award” and “Talent Cultivating Award” among Chinese universities with fashion discipline.

WTU now possesses an outstanding reputation and potential in its scientific research. There are 2 national key research bases of the Ministry of Education (key laboratory, project center) and 12 provincial key research bases. In recent 5 years, WTU has undertaken more than 74 research projects on the national level, sponsored by the National Social Science Fund, the National Natural Science Fund, the 863 National Scientific and Technological Key Projects and the National Basic Research Program (the National 973 Project) and 368 research projects on the provincial level. It’s no surprise that WTU has received 3 national awards, among which 2 were the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Invention Award and 1 was the First Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award. A number of other projects have been evaluated as outstanding advnced level projects at home and abroad.

WTU attaches importance to international cooperation and has partner universities in America, Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, Russia and Ukraine. It has co-education and exchange agreements with more than 30 colleges and scientific institutes in nearly 20 countries and areas. From 2005 to 2009, 17 world-famous scientists came to lecture in WTU. more than 50 world-famous scholars have been invited to lecture and co-research with WTU and nearly 100 teachers of WUSE have been sent to do co-research or study abroad.

WTU undertakes to preside the large scale human resources development project cooperated by Chinese government with EC and UNCTD and this project is praised by EU ambasado stationed in China as a model for Sino-EU cooperation. Up till now, nearly 200 foreign guest students from more than 40 countries have been trained here.

50 years witness our diligent self-improvement and hard work. In 2006, WTU was labeled excellence in the undergraduate teaching level evaluation by the Ministry of Education. WTU for 11 consecutive years, ranks first in the Chinese fashion institutions, and first in ranking of“New Artist,”“Award for Talent Cultivation,”having cultivated a large number of outstanding talents. In terms of scientific research, WTU has achieved a batch of important successes, such as the first prize for National Scientific and Technological Progress, the second prize for National Invention and for National Teaching Awards. When it comes to serving the community, WTU highlights its characteristics through creating“China Science and Technology Innovation Alliance of Embedded Composite Spinning Technology”and“China Ramie Industrial Science and Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance,”and has made great contribution to the industry and local economy and social development. WTU has also achieved much in moral education, and was awarded a prestige for morality cultivation by the Central authority in 2008.









一、武汉纺织大学在哪个区 武汉纺织大学 是在武汉市江夏区,具体地址在湖北省武汉市江夏区阳光大道1号,该校是国家首批中西部高校基础能力建设工程建设高校、教育部卓越工程师教育培养计划实施高校。






学校大力加强国际交流与合作。注重引进国外优质教育资源,积极发展留学生教育,不断提升国际化水平。学校是“欧洲纺织大学联盟”第一个中国大陆成员、“英国纺织学会”“美国纤维学会”理事成员、“一带一路”纺织高等教育联盟发起单位、“一带一路”世界纺织大学联盟理事单位,同时也是中国政府奖学金委托培养院校。学校与教育部中外人文交流中心于6月签署纺织行业中外人文交流研究院共建协议,启动全国首个中外人文交流研究院建设。学校拥有湖北省第一个本科层次中外合作办学机构—— 武汉纺织大学 伯明翰时尚创意学院,与英国曼彻斯特大学、日本文化学园大学开展了本科层次的合作办学项目,与澳大利亚迪肯大学联合培养博士生,并与英国、美国、法国、德国、澳大利亚、俄罗斯、日本、韩国等国家近200所大学签署了国际交流合作协议。学校长期承办由中国商务部和联合国贸易与发展会议联合主办的“发展中国家服务贸易”国际研修班,获批多项“世界著名科学家来鄂讲学计划”项目,连续多年主办和承办各类大型国际学术会议,学校国际化进程稳步推进。


六十甲子,深耕教育。 武汉纺织大学 与时代发展同步伐、与民族工业共命运,坚持服务社会之道,谋求特色发展之路,为振兴民族工业和湖北省经济社会发展做出了重要的贡献。学校将以立德树人为根本,以学生为中心,全面加强党的领导、全面深化综合改革、全面推进依法治校、全面提高人才培养质量,着力培养应用型创新人才,提升科技创新和成果转化能力,为区域经济社会发展和纺织行业转型升级做出新的更大贡献。

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标签: 纺织 大学 武汉

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