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近期大家比较关心黄鹤楼是武汉著名的景点英文、武汉的旅游景点介绍 武汉旅游景点介绍英文等相关的问题,以下是我对这座城市相关信息归纳整理,一起来看看吧。

武汉 2024年01月04日 09:42 551 绣虎


1.湖北荆州旅游景点英文介绍 湖南著名景点的英文介绍
2.武汉的旅游景点介绍 武汉旅游景点介绍英文

湖北荆州旅游景点英文介绍 湖南著名景点的英文介绍

近期大家比较关心黄鹤楼是武汉著名的景点英文、武汉的旅游景点介绍 武汉旅游景点介绍英文等相关的问题,以下是我对这座城市相关信息归纳整理,一起来看看吧。


Not far from Rizegou Guesthouse is the Swan Lake. It is said that swans used to reside here. At the present time, the lake remains semi-marsh land eith waterweeds fully covered on the surface. In spring the lake resembles a carpet of green grass; in summer the lake is splendidly decorated with blossomed flowers; in autumn the yelliwness in the lake meets the eye in every side; in winter the lake remains a world of ice and snow. Near the upper end of the lake is an another lake called Fangchaohai. The lake leads to hills where the hill peaks raise one higher than another. However, among the hills there is a pealk that obviously towers. It is named the Sword Rock because it looks sharp on the top and wide at lower part. Passing the foot of the towering peak, you start to walk into a dense primeval forwst, where you find yourselves deep in the boundless expanse of trdds and plants, feeling as light as if you had left the world of men and became immortal beings. There are an abundance of trees that looking up you hardly see the sunshine. Some of the trees curves down like awnings; some loom up like obelisks; some stand erect like men; some recline like dragons. Beneath your feet are soft mosses that grow in a thick furry mass on wet soil. When you walk through the forest, cool greenery rests your eyes, gentle breeze sooths your ears and the utter quietness refreshes your heart.



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山水名胜与文物古迹二者兼备。长江三峡驰名世界。七十二峰朝大顶,二十四涧水长流,人誉“第一山”的道教名山武当山为道教圣地。武汉黄鹤楼公园、宜昌三峡大坝旅游区 、宜昌三峡人家风景区、十堰武当山风景区、恩施巴东神农溪纤夫文化旅游区是湖北省的五个国家5A级风景名胜旅游景点。 黄石矿冶文化历史悠久,黄石国家矿山公园为我国首座国家矿山公园,拥有“亚洲第一天坑”。

黄鹤归来铜像 一览亭 仙枣亭 受降纪念碑 松月轩

落虹桥 日晷台遗址 迎辉亭 棋盘山 鸽子坪

大门楼 映霞亭 双龙桥 胜利广场 武汉受降堂

中山公园茹冰园 四顾轩 武汉剧院 武汉月湖 武汉民族村

武汉科教大厦 武汉抗洪纪念碑 湖北剧场 武汉广播电视塔 武汉佛教协会

顺风洋行旧址 彭刘杨三烈士塑像 石门峰名人公园 施洋烈士纪念碑 施洋烈士纪念馆

辛亥革命炮台旧址 孙中山铜像 孙中山纪念碑 诗碑廊 落梅轩

古铜顶 蛇山鹅池 金猴岭原始森林 神龙燕子洞 吕仙洞

毛泽东词亭 奇章亭 石照亭 首义枪声纪念雕塑 武汉大学樱花大道

武汉铁门关 汉口道胜银行旧址 郢州城垣遗址 月湖知音桥 中山公园张公亭

中山舰纪念馆 白沙洲长江大桥 三皇殿 长江二桥 藏经阁

东湖寓言园 二七纪念碑 印心石屋 双面观音塑像 武汉大学法学院旧址

武汉大学体育馆旧址 国立武汉大学文学院旧址 汉江口 马沧湖 抱冰堂旧址

抱膝亭 警钟楼 同治黄鹤楼 胜像宝塔 奥略楼

蛇山桥 三国诗碑 俄租界工部局旧址 俄国领事馆旧址 法界宫

落雁风景区 长江大桥桥头堡 中华基督教信义大楼旧址 中国***第五次全国代表大会遗址 汉口路伽碑路高级住宅区旧址

汉口美国领事馆旧址 汉口英国汇丰银行旧址 武汉英国领事馆旧址 武汉宋庆龄旧居 武汉市革命博物馆

武汉大学科技会堂 武汉动物园水族苑 岳飞亭 一揽亭 黄鹤楼景区搁笔亭

高峡平湖 龙门河国家森林公园 高山平原 古犀牛洞 燕子垭

张飞擂鼓 长阳人遗址 白羊寨 白马洞 石门洞

麦城 兴文塔 金狮洞 古龙溪漂流风景区 宜昌南津关

下牢溪 灯影峡 大水井建筑群 晴川阁三楚胜境 晴川阁禹碑亭

蛇山乖崖亭 蛇山‘洞天别境' 晴川阁景区朝宗亭 黄鹤楼景区归鹤浮雕 昭化寺

磨山景区庄王出征雕塑 黎元洪墓 江汉路步行街雕塑 崔颢题诗图 青岛路景明大厦

汇丰银行旧址 花旗银行旧址 国立武汉大学学生宿舍旧址 国立武汉大学学生俱乐部旧址 国立武汉大学图书馆旧址

龟山向警予烈士墓 龟山三国城三国鼎立大鼎 龟山三国城群英道 龟山三国城鲁肃墓 龟山三国城赤壁大战全景画馆

龟山黄兴铜像 龟山红色战士公墓 龟山高山仰止牌坊 古琴台景区知音浮雕 古琴台知音亭

东湖景区鲁迅广场 东湖濒湖画廊 德国领事馆旧址 陈潭秋纪念馆 长春观太清殿

巴公房子旧址 白鲫豚馆 磨山朱碑 翠帷蕴谊 常春花苑

磨山杜鹃园 磨山樱花园 磨山景区雕塑 东湖楚风一条街 沙市中山公园

荆州市荆州碑苑 荆州春秋阁 荆州樊妃冢 荆州盆景园 十堰市人民公园

三峡国家地质公园(湖北段) 刁汊湖 昭仁寺 洪山寺 剑口景区

洪山仙人洞 洪山坪落湖村 大洪山 麋鹿岛 陆水湖

长江三峡工程坛子岭旅游区 白雉山风景区 东汉一条街 偃月湖广场 武圣广场

关公文化园 二七烈士纪念碑施洋烈士墓 孟浩然纪念馆 路易·艾黎旧居修复暨纪念馆 曹禺纪念馆

董必武纪念馆 楚文化馆 龙王庙文化墙 兴山明妃村 马铃岩风景区

三峡人家风景区 万里长江第一阁 李时珍墓 鄂州梁子岛生态旅游度假区 鄂州市博物馆

天堂湖景区 甘泉洞风景区 空山洞丽人湖 柴埠溪国家森林公园 曾侯乙墓景区

黑龙潭景区 元明塔 大冶雷山风景区 中华山景区 大洪山风景区

能仁寺 白潭湖风景区 莲花山旅游区 古金山寺 照面井

读书洞 秭归屈原故里 中原突围的策源地 锦绣园高新农业观光园 青龙山熊河风景区

楚皇城城址 襄阳城 太乙洞风景区 鄂南龙潭 虎伏天门

铜鼓绝顶 闯王陵墓 九宫山森林公园 炎帝神农烈山风景名胜区 浠水三角山风景区

黄冈大别山国家森林公园 坛子岭景区 昭君台 玉泉风景区 汤池旅游风景区

车溪民俗风景区 宜城张自忠将军纪念馆 湖北谷城县薤山旅游度假区 渔梁洲 李曾伯纪功铭摩崖

咸宁潜山国家森林公园 奥陶纪地质公园 双峰山风景区 米芾纪念馆 保康野花谷自然风景区

老塔山 战国长城遗迹 襄樊襄王府绿影壁 湖北保康县汤池峡温泉度假区 湖北保康县五道峡自然风景区

多宝佛塔话珍奇 澄水洞旅游区 仙人石 罗汉肚 长春谷

钵盂揽胜 筲箕兜 珍珠湖 珍珠泉 三眼桥

九峰律寺 山下游览区 北海近代建筑 湖泗瓷窑址群 武汉九峰国家森林公园

中华全国总工会旧址 蛇山风景区 赤壁遗址 龙泉山楚王陵王妃墓 中山舰

木兰湖风景区 大智门火车站 武汉大学早期建筑 首义园 鹦鹉洲

九峰山摩崖 沔城风景名胜区 湖北武汉华泰汤逊湖旅游度假区 江汉关大楼 明楚王墓

施洋墓 汉正街 八路军武汉办事处旧址 荆州关公馆 荆州石首糜鹿自然保护区

_水湖 梨园 拜将台 “一·三”惨案遗址 房县神农峡景区

赛武当自然风景保护区 红坪峡自然保护区 神农顶风景区 大九湖景区 张居正故居

荆州长江天鹅洲白暨豚国家级自然保护区 观鱼台 “六·一”惨案遗址 十八里长峡自然保护区 伏龙山自然风景区

温泉寺 荆州古城历史文化旅游区 八岭山国家森林公园 桃花岛 滨湖公园

大岳太和宫 华阳崖 凌虚崖与诵经台 南岩宫 文昌祠

唐崖土司城遗址 连珠塔 龙麟宫水利风景区 土王城遗址 太平塘摩崖

八宝山 黄金洞 仙佛寺石窟 石柱观 满山红烈士陵园

凌虚岩 龙麟宫 水镜湖风景区 雕龙遗址 武汉国民政府旧址

玉泉寺景区 玉泉铁塔 巴东垭 古德寺 洪山公园

“八七”会议会址 咸宁温泉 卓刀泉 天津桥 琼台三观

古梭罗树 神农架自然博物馆 星斗山自然保护区 紫宵殿 古隆中

夔门 马渡河小小三峡 西陵峡 瞿塘峡 大宁河小三峡

中华鲟鱼馆 报恩寺 仙人桥-仙女像 三楚名山--玉泉山 大峡谷

白云剑迹 睿功圣德碑楼 高吊脚群楼成楚市 楚祖祝融遥观星 荆州古城朝宗楼

“惟楚有材”楚才园 石宝寨 “长阳人”遗址景区_ 巴山峡至伴峡景区 百岛湖景区_

隔河岩景区 丹水景区 九湾景区 龙舟坪景区 天柱山景区

武落钟离山景区 后河国家级自然保护区 五峰山 兴文塔 界头

关门峡 七娘山 独岭佛光 河心石 姊妹杉

象鼻山 后河原始森林 白溢寨 长生洞 柴埠溪大峡谷风景区

沧海泛舟 白云晓月 回龙晨钟 农家社火 万兽朝圣

古寨烽烟 青龙洞 环城公园 九龙渊公园 凤凰广场

荆江分洪工程纪念碑亭 文星楼 张居正墓 樊姬墓 大禹息壤

鸡公山旧石器时代遗址 张飞一担土 春秋阁 关庙 得胜街与洗马池

卸甲山与掷甲山 关公刮骨疗毒地 马跑泉与落帽冢 点将台与拍马山 公安门

_水水库 颜将军洞 洪湖 乌林古战场 生态旅游在洪湖

狮子山 杨林山 华容古道 庞公渡 救曹田

放曹坡 葫芦口 子龙岗 仓库垸 汉寿祠

报国寺 三闾寺 濯缨台 荆台 章华台

三江口 内荆河 东荆河 洪湖风光 护国仙山真武祖师庙

南廓古梅 泮宫翠柏 离湖读骚 鹤泽观渔 璇台涌月

锦水晴岚 狮子山 章台晓霁 糜鹿自然保护区 黑狗渊

万里长江第一兽 江陵抗战纪念园 走马岭遗址 刘郎浦 照影桥

绣林山公园 望夫台 南岳山森林公园 烈士纪念碑 三千年古银杏

仙人洞 红军树烈士陵园 傅家竹园 鹿角峰 鸡头脑

哑口水库 龙泉寺 三菱湖风光 桃花山风景区 天鹅洲生态风景区

胡家花园 石家河遗址 温峡漂流 太平寨 尚书墓

忘归岛 花山夜明珠 龙门吐珠 大坝齐天 温峡水库

莫愁乡 磨棋观 三泉湖 间歇泉 鸳鸯柳

通天洞 绿林古寨 天河度假村 屈家岭文化遗址 太子山国家森林公园

虎爪山森林公园 掇刀开发区 大洪山风景名胜区 娘娘寨 白云楼

龙泉公园 温泉山庄 荆门市博物馆 空山洞风景区 姑嫂桥

十里水画廊 吞天门 美人潭 骆驼峰 鸳鸯溪

象山风景区 漳河水库 文峰塔 元佑宫 文峰塔

大口国家森林公园 莫愁湖 黄仙洞 新、旧红门 内外明塘

九曲御河 碑亭 琉璃影壁 龙鳞神道 内、外罗城

一陵两冢 玄妙观 封江生态旅游区 古乐编钟 中华山

大洪山风景名胜区 炎帝神农故里--随州厉山 黑龙潭风景区 徐家河旅游度假区 三潭风景区

李汉俊陈列室 曹禺著作陈列馆 南门河游园 章华台 汉江民俗风景区

田关河旅游风景区 借粮湖 潜江市森林公园 返湾湖风景区 汤池

鄂中革命烈士纪念馆 陶家湖古城遗址 战国墓群 三冢 门板湾遗址

周恩来总理纪念馆 应城人民公园 蒲骚故城遗址 孔庙 应城市革命烈士纪念馆

文峰塔 霍城 南河溶洞 观音泉 仙女山 仙女庙

神灵台 马城台 西畈麦秋 南岗梧雨 _水晴波 凤山春晓

樱桃古渡 车盖名亭 谪仙桃岩 碧霞台 司马书室

凤凰台 紫金台 白兆山 太平寨 解放山水上游览区

李白纪念馆 钱冲古银杏群落 太白公园 槎山双泉寺 梁代古刹泗洲寺

高山铺战役遗址 仙人台风景区 云界寺 卧龙松 太阳神庙

舍身崖 龙头石雕 龟驮经书 龙门资教寺 横岗山风景区

达城庙 望夫石 碧仙洞 老龙仙洞 三角庙

石门 千年茶花 三角山风景区 雷劈石 观音泉

铁索桥 火焰洞 烈士墓 凉亭洞 双峰尖

财神洞 赛老寺庙 云丹山水库 太平水库 线粉槽瀑布

烂 泥 滩 云丹山日出 太平避暑山庄 太平森林公园 四祖正觉禅寺

雨湖 玄妙观 李时珍纪念馆 白莲河斗方山旅游风景区 闻一多纪念馆

浠水县博物馆 三角山旅游风景区 浠水洗马太平寨风景区 麻桥金桥月山生态公园 桃花胜景

天堂明珠 悬崖风雨 仙人壁立 麻姑仙踪 羊角嵯峨

岘山 鱼梁洲 大洪山名泉 南岳寺 杉树坪秦岭冷杉林原始群落

双峰山旅游度假区 鸳鸯溪 娘娘寨 显陵双茔城城墙 钟祥少司马坊

明显陵 南岩 三峡大坝 野人谷 柴埠溪

“洞天福地 ”太清洞 英国领事馆 鱼泉河漂流 保康九路寨 南岸咀

杨家溪漂流 情人泉 黄龙洞 天台山 白潭风景区

平湖天堂河 高岚风景区 桃花冲森林公园 保康温泉 高贵三潭/徐家河

抱璞岩 习家池 炎帝神农故里 九宫山 既济水电公司宗关水厂旧址

仁济医院 汉口慈善会 唐生智公馆旧址 保安洋行(英)旧址 广东银行旧址

东方汇理银行(法)旧址 格非堂 文华大学学生宿舍 第一纱厂旧址 夏斗寅、徐源泉别墅

瞿雅各健身所旧址 文华大学文学院 三佛阁山门 中华循道公会弘道会 基督教救世堂

圣若瑟女子中学 宁波会馆 江苏会馆 民权路清真寺 汉口电灯公司旧址(英)

金城里 洞庭村 江汉村、六也村 同兴里 大陆坊

杨森花园 上海村 周苍柏公馆 中央信托局旧址 武汉卫戍司令部

平汉铁路南局 新泰大楼旧址 华商赛马公会 华商总会 信义公所

俄国巡捕房旧址 美国领事馆旧址 德国工部巡捕房 安利英洋行旧址 日信洋行旧址

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首善堂 湖北省图书馆 汉口水塔旧址 四明银行大楼旧址 怡合村

季凡诺夫公馆 咸安坊 日租界军官宿舍 江汉关监督公署 亚细亚火油公司(英)旧址

日清洋行旧址 中国实业银行 盐业银行旧址 商业银行 商业银行旧址

金城银行旧址 大清银行 台湾银行(日) 旧址 汉口美国海军青年会旧址 圣若瑟天主堂

上海街教堂 四祖寺塔 军民合作饭店 东山宝塔 升天塔

象山四泉 新四军鄂豫挺进纵队司令部驻地旧址 中共鄂豫边区委员会旧址 十里古墓群 马家垸遗址

纪山古墓群 荆家城遗址 黄歇冢 铁鞭古祠 舍利宝塔

普山遗址 寨山遗址 砚池山 陶谷墓 大成殿

斗方禅林 碧玉流石刻群 灵润桥 释迦多宝如来石塔 塞墩遗址

高塔寺塔 黄梅焦墩遗址 百二河景区 大余湾 百年钟楼

楚波亭 禹柏 江夏楚王陵寝群 珞珈山18栋 上海商业储蓄银行

永利银行 博学中学钟楼 文华大学礼拜堂———罕见的希腊神庙式建筑 翟雅阁健身所 博学中学教堂

汉阳共勉街牌坊———弥足珍贵的明代建筑 李凡洛夫公馆———俄罗斯民居之经典 国货商场旧址 萧耀南公馆 珞珈碑路房子

涂_山公馆 大冶鄂王城 楚天第一大夫第 美最时洋行(德) 三教街公寓

“百年洋店”——德明饭店 天主教鄂东代牧区主教公署 立兴洋行(法) 英文楚报馆 麦加利银行(英)旧址



Ancient city wall of Jingzhou


Ancient city wall of Jingzhou

武汉的旅游景点介绍 武汉旅游景点介绍英文


The eternity name building Huanghe Bldg. will construct in a.D. 223 years, some renowned poet like Li waited in vain once to chant poetry for it .The inferior building constructs repeatedly defeats repeatedly, last time destroyed with 1884 .in October, 1981 jacked in the Wuhan snake mountain constructs .Besides the main building, the nearby also constructed several to attach the building, all constructions were plain, solemn


1.Huang He Lou is one of the most famous places of interest in China,and also one of the best ancient architectures.

2.It is located on the She mountain of Wuchang in Hubei province. With the height of nearly 52 meters, It was built 1600 years ago and was rebuilt by the government during the year 1981 to 1985.

3.at first it was only used for warfairs. now it is opened to the outside and can be visited.

4.Once you get on to Huang He Lou, there is limitless beautiful scenery, many famous poets had made poems of it,a large quantity of both domestic and foreign travelors are attracted to visit the Huang He Lou every year.

英语作文 黄鹤楼 包含以下内容

The eternity name building Huanghe Bldg. will construct in a.D. 223 years, some renowned poet like Li waited in vain once to chant poetry for it .The inferior building constructs repeatedly defeats repeatedly, last time destroyed with 1884 .in October, 1981 jacked in the Wuhan snake mountain constructs .Besides the main building, the nearby also constructed several to attach the building, all constructions were plain, solemn


Not far from Rizegou Guesthouse is the Swan Lake. It is said that swans used to reside here. At the present time, the lake remains semi-marsh land eith waterweeds fully covered on the surface. In spring the lake resembles a carpet of green grass; in summer the lake is splendidly decorated with blossomed flowers; in autumn the yelliwness in the lake meets the eye in every side; in winter the lake remains a world of ice and snow. Near the upper end of the lake is an another lake called Fangchaohai. The lake leads to hills where the hill peaks raise one higher than another. However, among the hills there is a pealk that obviously towers. It is named the Sword Rock because it looks sharp on the top and wide at lower part. Passing the foot of the towering peak, you start to walk into a dense primeval forwst, where you find yourselves deep in the boundless expanse of trdds and plants, feeling as light as if you had left the world of men and became immortal beings. There are an abundance of trees that looking up you hardly see the sunshine. Some of the trees curves down like awnings; some loom up like obelisks; some stand erect like men; some recline like dragons. Beneath your feet are soft mosses that grow in a thick furry mass on wet soil. When you walk through the forest, cool greenery rests your eyes, gentle breeze sooths your ears and the utter quietness refreshes your heart.



pwd=hwjg 提取码: hwjg





Yellow Crane Tower

At the weekend, I visited the beautiful yellow crane tower.

The beautiful yellow crane tower is like a shy girl standing on the Snake Mountain by the Yangtze River. The upstairs is carved with dragons and phoenixes. It has attracted many Chinese and foreign tourists, and countless poets have left beautiful poems here.

Time flies. I need to go back before I have seen enough. I miss it very much.






Yellow Crane Tower

............ I visited the .............yellow crane tower.

The beautiful yellow crane tower..................... The upstairs is carved with dragons and phoenixes. It has attracted many ........................

Time flies. I need to go back before I have seen enough. I miss it very much.






Yellow Crane Tower, located on Snake Hill in Wuchang, is one of the "Three Famous Towers South of Yangtze River (the other two: Yueyang Tower in Hunan and Tengwang Tower in Jiangxi).

Legend has it that in Wuchang, there used to be a wine shop opened by a young man named Xin. One day, a Taoist priest, in gratitude for free wine, drew a magic crane on the wall of the shop and instructed it to dance whenever it heard clapping. Thousands of people came to see the spectacle and the wine shop was always full of guests. After 10 years, the Taoist priest revisited the wine shop. He played the flute and then rode on the crane to the sky. In memory of the supernatural encounter and the priest, the Xins built a tower and named it Yellow Crane Tower.

According to records, the tower was first built in 223 A.D during the Three Kingdoms period (220-280). After completion, the tower served as a gathering place for celebrities and poets to party and compose poetry. It was estimated that up to the Tongzhi Reign of the Qing dynasty, as many as 300 poems about the tower had been found in historical literature. Cui Hao, a famous poet during the Tang dynasty (618-907), made the tower well known throughout China with his poem "Yellow Crane Tower".

Destroyed many times in successive dynasties, the tower was rebuilt time and again until 100 years ago when it was, for the last time, reduced to ashes. The present tower is a complete reconstruction and is the result of four years of work beginning in 1981. Where the old tower was only 15 meters wide, the ground floor of the new structure was increased to 20 meters wide. The tower, 51.4 meters high, is five-storied with yellow tiles and red pillars, overlapping ridges and interlocking eaves, more magnificent than the old one.

The new Yellow Crane Tower is regarded as the symbol of Wuhan city


Yellow Crane Tower

Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Wuhan. My name is DuJunhui. I am from Wuhan travel service. I will be your local guide during your stay in Wuhan. This is our driver, Mr Wang. His bus number is WH12345.On behalf of my travel agency, we hope you have a nice journey here. If you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader, and he will let us know. My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your question, and be your guide and interpreter. I will try to do my level best to “warm the cockles of your heart”. We highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Now we are on the way to Yellow Crane Tower. At first, I would like to outline the general picture of Wuhan for you.Wuhan is in the southeast of China and covers a total area of 8046 square kilometers. In geographic, it locates at 113 degrees 41minutes east longitude and 25degrees 58minutes north latitude on the earth. If you pay attention to the map of Wuhan, you will notice that its shape in the map looks like a butterfly, Can you guess how many people does Wuhan have?7000000, oh, no but near it, try again. Yah, right, 8310000. Wuhan has a population of around 8310000 in the city.

According to the history, the yellow crane tower was first built in 223AD during the three-kingdom period.At the beginning , the tower was originally used for military to observe the enemy’s activity. When the war finished, the tower gradually became a scenic attraction where people can appreciate the view of the city as well as the lake. In ancient time, many literati visited this place, and sometimes even put down poems for it . Such as Cuihao in Tang Dynasty, he wrote a famous poem which was name YELLO CRANE TOWER, and another famous poet LiBai, whose poems affected the whole dynasty in his time, also visited this beautiful place many times. In this place he once saw off his friend, another poet MengHaoran, and wrote a famous poem for it to show his emotion. From then on, the yellow crane tower was well know throughout China.

Over the centuries the tower had been destroyed by wars for many times, but its popularity with Chinese ensured that it was always rebuilt. The current tower was completed in 1985 and its design derived from a picture of Qing dynasty. It stands 51.4meters high and has 5 floors .The appearance of the tower is the same regardless of the direction it is viewed from. The tower has 60 upturned eaves layer upon layer,covered with yellow glazed tiles and supported with 72 huge pillars.The exports comment that it is an authentic reproduction of both the exterior and interior design, with the exception of the addition of air-conditioner and an elevator. Since ancient time, the yellow crane tower has been regarded as the symbol of Wuhan.

Now we are standing in front of the tower. With yellow upturned eaves, each floor seems to have been designed to resemble a yellow crane spreading its wings to fly. Let’s enter the hall on the first floor. On the wall, there is a nine-meter (about 30 feet) long and six-meter (about 20 feet) wide painted porcelain picture which depicts clouds, rivers and cranes to represent a romantic mood in the heaven. What do you think of the picture? It is very beautiful, isn’t it?Do you know why we call the tower YELLOW CRANE TOWER?The answer lies in the picture. Have you noticed that ,in the picture there is a Taoist who played an flute and rode an crane gliding through the sky?It is a story about kindness and rewarding.

Long long ago, there was a warm-hearted old man. He was very poor and ran a small wine tavern to earn a living. One day in the


主要景点有:省博物馆、东湖楚城、黄鹤楼、晴川阁、古琴台、归元寺、长春观、宝通禅寺、武汉经济开发区、可口可乐开发区、神龙轿车生产区 。行程特色 以武汉这个特大城市为 中心,包括孝感双峰山、随州大洪山、荆州洪湖及石首麋鹿保护区等生态旅游景点。该旅游区的主要特色石浓郁的内陆都市风情和保存极好的生态景观。武汉是拥有830万人口的内陆特大城市,两江相汇,百湖镶嵌,是一座名副其实的水上城市。武汉的城市魅力在于它无所不包的宽容性。 日程安排 一日游A(经典游):省博物馆——东湖楚城——黄鹤楼——晴川阁B(宗教古迹游):黄鹤楼——古琴台——归元寺——长春观——宝通禅寺C(科教一日游):武汉大学生物馆——水生所标本馆——白鳍豚馆D(科技一日游):武汉经济开发区——可口可乐开发区——神龙轿车生产区E(都市风情一日游):红楼——首义园——江滩——江汉路步行街——吉庆街F(郊区一日游):武汉——黄 ?































普通票:全价票70人民币/半价票35人民币 (1月1日-12月31日 周一-周日)











黄鹤楼位于武昌江畔,紧邻长江大桥,有“天下江山第一楼”的美誉,是"江南三大名楼"之一。因“昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼”诗句而名扬天下,李白、毛泽东等都为黄鹤楼留下诗词。建于蛇山之上,登上楼顶远眺,武汉三镇和长江尽收眼底,视野开阔,是武汉的城市地标之一。景区内还有大量的石碑、石刻,都是历代名人的真迹,极具艺术价值。每天10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00在落梅轩有楚地特色的编钟歌舞表演,30元/位。













































标签: 旧址 武汉 黄鹤楼

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